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{{ }}
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( {{ get_host(link.U) }} )
R Weekly 2023-W12 Good Practices, Modding Rome Total War, R-based AWS Lambda!
This week’s release was curated by Batool Almarzouq, with help from the R Weekly team members and contributors.
Modding Rome Total War (Avatar, The Last Airbender mod) using R!
How to set up an R-based AWS Lambda to write to AWS S3 on a schedule
Seeking community endorsement for an upgrade to Big Book of R
Polycrisis: When Will the World End? Professor Gott’s Equation Gives an Answer! (Also as a Video!)
GooglyPlusPlus: Computing T20 player’s Win Probability Contribution
R in the Real World
R in Organizations
R in Academia
chrome-rselenium: Use Google Chrome from your R scripts using WebDriver for navigating to web pages, user input, JavaScript execution, and more.
New Packages
{reappraised} 0.1.0: Statistical Tools for Assessing Publication Integrity of Groups of Trials
{bonn} 1.0.2: Access INKAR Database
{SQMtools} 1.6.2: Analyze Results Generated by the ‘SqueezeMeta’ Pipeline
{Rapp} 0.1.0: Easily Build Command Line Applications
{inlcolor} 1.0.5: Color Schemes for the USGS Idaho National Laboratory Project Office
{gsDesign2} 1.0.7: Group Sequential Design with Non-Constant Effect
{gptstudio} 0.1.0: Use Large Language Models Directly in your Development Environment
{Multiaovbay} 0.1.0: Classic, Nonparametric and Bayesian Two-Way Analysis of Variance Panel
{kgen} 0.2.1: A Tool for Calculating Stoichiometric Equilibrium Constants (Ks) for Seawater
{evolMap} 1.2.33: Dynamic and Interactive Maps
{visxhclust} 1.1.0: A Shiny App for Visual Exploration of Hierarchical Clustering
{TrafficBDE} 0.1.2: Traffic Predictions Using Neural Networks
{MBNMAtime} 0.2.3: Run Time-Course Model-Based Network Meta-Analysis (MBNMA) Models
{VedicDateTime} 0.1.2: Vedic Calendar System
{PlotBivInvGaus} 0.1.0: Density Contour Plot for Bivariate Inverse Gaussian Distribution
{gsdensity} 0.1.2: Density-Based Gene Set Specificity Evaluation
{FACT} 0.1.0: Feature Attributions for ClusTering
{DNAmixturesLite} 0.0-1: Statistical Inference for Mixed Traces of DNA (Lite-Version)
{checker} 0.1.2: Checks ‘R’ Configuration Set Up Correctly Before Class
{text2sdgData} 0.1.1: Contains the Trained ‘text2sdg’ Ensemble Model Data
{SomaDataIO} 6.0.0: Input/Output ‘SomaScan’ Data
{shiny.blueprint} 0.2.0: Palantir’s ‘Blueprint’ for ‘Shiny’ Apps
{pharmaverse} 0.0.2: Navigate ‘Pharmaverse’
{dataclass} 0.1.8: Easily Create Structured Lists or Data Frames with Input Validation
{admiralophtha} 0.1.0: ADaM in R Asset Library - Ophthalmology
{folders} 0.0.8: Standardized Folder Names
{RmdConcord} 0.1.6: Concordances for ‘R Markdown’
{mlbplotR} 1.0.1: Create ‘ggplot2’ and ‘gt’ Visuals with Major League Baseball Logos
{coconots} 1.1: Convolution-Closed Models for Count Time Series
{plspm} 0.5.0: Partial Least Squares Path Modeling (PLS-PM)
{plsdepot} 0.2.0: Partial Least Squares (PLS) Data Analysis Methods
{metatools} 0.1.5: Enable the Use of ‘metacore’ to Help Create and Check Dataset
{medfate} 2.9.3: Mediterranean Forest Simulation
{CPE} 1.6.3: Concordance Probability Estimates in Survival Analysis
{nichevol} 0.1.20: Tools for Ecological Niche Evolution Assessment Considering Uncertainty
{Wats} 1.0.1: Wrap Around Time Series Graphics
{metapro} 1.5.11: Robust P-Value Combination Methods
{tramvs} 0.0-4: Optimal Subset Selection for Transformation Models
{cellKey} 1.0.1: Consistent Perturbation of Statistical Frequency- And Magnitude Tables
{eventPred} 0.0.1: Event Prediction
{ABM} 0.2: Agent Based Model Simulation Framework
{sr} 0.1.0: Smooth Regression - The Gamma Test and Tools
{saeHB.ME.beta} 0.1.0: SAE with Measurement Error using HB under Beta Distribution
{openmeteo} 0.1.1: Retrieve Weather Data from the Open-Meteo API
{nanoarrow} Interface to the ‘nanoarrow’ ‘C’ Library
{evilDice} 1.0: Test Dice Sets for Intransitive Properties
GitHub or Bitbucket
- {oranguru}: Pokémon damage calculator for R.
Updated Packages
- {metathis} 1.1.3: tags and social media cards for R-made web things.
{mirai} 0.8.0: Minimalist async evaluation framework for R - lightweight parallel code execution, local or distributed across the network.
future 1.32.0: future: Unified Parallel and Distributed Processing in R for Everyone - diffify
{keras} 2.11.1: R Interface to ‘Keras’ - diffify
{AICcmodavg} 2.3-2: Model Selection and Multimodel Inference Based on (Q)AIC(c) - diffify
{NMF} 0.26: Algorithms and Framework for Nonnegative Matrix Factorization (NMF) - diffify
{gmwmx} 1.0.3: Estimate Functional and Stochastic Parameters of Linear Models with Correlated Residuals - diffify
{rcheology} Data on Base Packages for Current and Previous Versions of R - diffify
{FNN} Fast Nearest Neighbor Search Algorithms and Applications - diffify
{spant} 2.10.0: MR Spectroscopy Analysis Tools - diffify
{Rogue} 2.1.5: Identify Rogue Taxa in Sets of Phylogenetic Trees - diffify
{tibble} 3.2.1: Simple Data Frames - diffify
{ggfortify} 0.4.16: Data Visualization Tools for Statistical Analysis Results - diffify
{sf} 1.0-12: Simple Features for R - diffify
{survHE} 2.0.1: Survival Analysis in Health Economic Evaluation - diffify
{mvp} 1.0-14: Fast Symbolic Multivariate Polynomials - diffify
{glmmTMB} 1.1.6: Generalized Linear Mixed Models using Template Model Builder - diffify
{metafor} 4.0-0: Meta-Analysis Package for R - diffify
{fungible} 2.3: Psychometric Functions from the Waller Lab - diffify
{jskm} 0.5: Kaplan-Meier Plot with ‘ggplot2’ - diffify
{servr} 0.26: A Simple HTTP Server to Serve Static Files or Dynamic Documents - diffify
- {glossr} 0.7.0: Use Interlinear Glosses in R Markdown - diffify
- {movecost} 1.9: Calculation of Slope-Dependant Accumulated Cost Surface, Least-Cost Paths, Least-Cost Corridors, Least-Cost Networks
Related to Human Movement Across the Landscape - diffify
{fitPS} 0.2-5: Fit Zeta Distributions to Forensic Data - diffify
{Rmpi} 0.7-1: Interface (Wrapper) to MPI (Message-Passing Interface) - diffify
{moderate.mediation} 0.0.2: Causal Moderated Mediation Analysis - diffify
{rainette} 0.3.1: The Reinert Method for Textual Data Clustering - diffify
{psych} 2.3.3: Procedures for Psychological, Psychometric, and Personality Research - diffify
{watson} 0.3: Fitting and Simulating Mixtures of Watson Distributions - diffify
{gtable} 0.3.2: Arrange ‘Grobs’ in Tables - diffify
{greeks} 1.1.0: Sensitivities of Prices of Financial Options and Implied Volatilites - diffify
{grates} 1.0.0: Grouped Date Classes - diffify
{ggiraph} 0.8.7: Make ‘ggplot2’ Graphics Interactive - diffify
{conStruct} 1.0.5: Models Spatially Continuous and Discrete Population Genetic Structure - diffify
{blob} 1.2.4: A Simple S3 Class for Representing Vectors of Binary Data (‘BLOBS’) - diffify
{ckanr} 0.7.0: Client for the Comprehensive Knowledge Archive Network (‘CKAN’) API - diffify
{rxode2ll} 2.0.11: Log-Likelihood Functions for ‘rxode2’ - diffify
{ggsurvfit} 0.3.0: Flexible Time-to-Event Figures - diffify
{RedditExtractoR} 3.0.9: Reddit Data Extraction Toolkit - diffify
{qpdf} 1.3.2: Split, Combine and Compress PDF Files - diffify
{learnr} 0.11.3: Interactive Tutorials for R - diffify
{genBaRcode} 1.2.6: Analysis and Visualization Tools for Genetic Barcode Data - diffify
{DGCA} 1.0.3: Differential Gene Correlation Analysis - diffify
{DatabaseConnector} 6.1.0: Connecting to Various Database Platforms - diffify
{Require} 0.3.0: Installing and Loading R Packages for Reproducible Workflows - diffify
Videos and Podcasts
How to set up an R-based AWS Lambda to write to AWS S3 on a schedule
Automating checks of handcrafted Word tables with {docxtractr}
How to customise the style of your {shinydashboard} Shiny app
R Project Updates
Updates from R Core:
Upcoming Events in 3 Months
Events in 3 Months:
+Weekly R Workshops for Ukraine
Grants & Funding
- R Consortium ISC Call for Proposals - Infrastructure Steering Committee (ISC) grants for low-to-medium risk projects with a focused scope and likely to have a broad impact on the R Community. Deadline 2023-04-01.
💼 Explore Jobs & Gigs Board on RStudio Community 💼
I love #ggplot because this is all the same data with like a few character's worth of transformations, plus these were all "accidents" #rtistry in #rstats
— Meghan Harris (@meghansharris) March 9, 2023
Monochrome Trigonometry 654
— aRtfulBot (@aRtfulBot) March 20, 2023
Done in #rstats with #ggplot2#Rtistry #generativeart #creativecoding
Quotes of the Week
In my first #rstats class, students loved the dinosaur from the dataSaurus package.
— Albert Rapp (@rappa753) March 18, 2023
One student even asked for more dinosaurs in class, and I couldn't resist! 🤪
I searched for dinosaur images, extracted coordinates and started plotting.
So, here are more ggplot dinosaurs 🦕🦖
Using gpt-3.5-turbo inside RStudio as a coding helper. The package is experimental ( #RStats #rstudio
— Sam Terfa (@SamTerfa) March 19, 2023