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{{ }}
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( {{ get_host(link.U) }} )
R Weekly 2020-50 tidyverse, bullet chart variants, AWS Lambda
Release Date: 2020-12-14
This week’s release was curated by Eric Nantz, with help from the RWeekly team members and contributors.
R in the Real World
A quiz about a 95% CI interpretation in the FDA Covid vaccine meeting
The NHS-R Community and Hexitime – Our 1st month of collaborating
OneR in Medical Research: Finding Leading Symptoms, Main Predictors and Cut-Off Points
Comparing 1st and 2nd lockdown using electricity consumption in France
R in Academia
New Packages
{RadialVisGadgets} 0.2.0: Interactive Gadgets for Radial Visualization Approaches
{MASSExtra} 1.0.2: Some ‘MASS’ Enhancements
{giftwrap} 0.0.4: Take Shell Commands and Turn Them into R Functions
{motifr} 1.0.0: Motif Analysis in Multi-Level Networks
{doc2vec} 0.1.0: Distributed Representations of Sentences and Documents
{mockthat} 0.2.4: Function Mocking for Unit Testing in R
{qsimulatR} 1.0: A Quantum Computer Simulator
{outsider} 0.1.1: Install and Run Programs, Outside of R, Inside of R
{CompAREdesign} 1.5: Statistical Functions for the Design of Studies with Composite Endpoints
{libr} 1.0.1: Libraries, Data Dictionaries, and a Data Step for R
{eyedata} 0.1.0: Open Source Ophthalmic Data Sets Curated for R
{mlpack} 3.4.2: ‘Rcpp’ Integration for the ‘mlpack’ Library
{ComplexUpset} 0.7.3: Create Complex UpSet Plots Using ‘ggplot2’ Components
- {savonliquide} 0.1.0: Check for Color Contrast Accessibility
GitHub or Bitbucket
{ggx}: A Natural Langauge Interface to ggplot2
Updated Packages
version 1.0.1 has been released, together with a brand new Data Validation Cookbook. See release notes. -
{ggstream}: A package to make streamplots
{data.table} 1.13.4: Extension of
Granger-causality without assuming linear regression, enhancements to generalCorr package
{progressr} 0.7.0: An Inclusive, Unifying API for Progress Updates
{d3Tree} 0.2.2: Create Interactive Collapsible Trees with the JavaScript ‘D3’ Library
{usethis} 2.0.0: Automate Package and Project Setup
{future} 1.21.0: Unified Parallel and Distributed Processing in R for Everyone
{encryptedRmd} 0.2.1: Encrypt Html Reports Using ‘Libsodium’
{mlr3} 0.9.0: Machine Learning in R - Next Generation
{terrainr}: Retrieve Data from the USGS National Map and Transform it for 3D Landscape Visualizations. Version 0.2.0 released on GitHub – new features to visualize vector geodata, better sf integration, and more!
{parallelly} 1.22.0: Enhancing the ‘parallel’ Package
{doFuture} 0.11.0: A Universal Foreach Parallel Adapter using the Future API of the ‘future’ Package
Videos and Podcasts
How to migrate from TravisCI to GitHub Actions for R packages
Easy error handling in R (no loops) and some more functional programming tricks
Shiny Apps
R Internationally
Using cbsodataR to plot total deaths per week in the Netherlands from 1995 to 2020 (OC from reddit)
Advent of 2020, Day 11 – Using Azure Databricks Notebooks with R Language for data analytics
R Project Updates
Updates from R Core:
Upcoming Events in 3 Months
Events in 3 Months:
Call for Participation
Quotes of the Week
No one:
— Emily Riederer (@EmilyRiederer) December 10, 2020
Absolutely no one:
Me: SO, I know we can't have a holiday party this year, but we CAN make our #rstats R Markdown reports snow before we send them to each other
HT to for the heavy lifting
JavaScript has a ternary operator
— Garrick Aden-Buie (@grrrck) December 13, 2020
condition ? if_its_true : if_its_false
that's shorthand for
if (condition) { if_its_true } else { if_its_false }
What if we had this in #rstats? It's totally possible 👿