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R Weekly 2019-29 useR! Keynote, modelsummary
modelsummary - Beautiful, customizable, publication-ready model summaries in R.
My useR! 2019 Highlights & Experience: Shiny, R Community, {packages}, and more!
Romain Lesur: The Most Wonderful Collaborator I Have Ever Worked With
R in the Real World
R in Organizations
rOpenSci Announces $678K Award from the Sloan Foundation to Expand Software Peer Review
rOpenSci Hiring for New Position in Statistical Software Testing and Peer Review
New Packages
- modelsummary - Beautiful, customizable, publication-ready model summaries in R.
Updated Packages
- corrr 0.4.0 - corrr is a package for exploring correlations in R
Videos and Podcasts
What NOT to do when building a shiny app (lessons learned the hard way)
Dotplot – the single most useful yet largely neglected dataviz type
R Project Updates
Updates from R Core:
Upcoming Events in 3 Months
Events in 3 Months:
Mexico CDSB Workshop 2019, July 29 - August 2 - How to Build and Create Tidy Tools
LatinR 2019, Santiago de Chile, September 25 - 27 - Latinamerican Conference About the Use of R in R&D
More past events at R conferences & meetups.
Call for Participation
Quotes of the Week
By using the autoplot() function from the "ggfortify" package I can check assumptions for linear models:
— Romain Lefèvre 🐾 (@lefevreromain_) July 14, 2019
-Q-Q plot: normality
-Residuals vs Fitted: linear relationship
-Scale-Location: homogeneity of the variance
-Residuals vs Leverage/Cook's distance: influential cases#rstats
Your underrated #rstats package today is "ids" by @rgfitzjohn which allows you to create unique identifiers quickly and easily
— Andr(é|ew) MacDonald (@polesasunder) July 17, 2019
like here, i create a list of "adjective_animal" names to support an anonymous selection process