{{ is_pkg(link.U) }}{{ link.T }} {{ get_host(link.U) }} - {{ link.N }} ( {{ get_host(link.U) }} )
{{ is_pkg(link.U) }}{{ link.T }} {{ get_host(link.U) }}( {{ get_host(link.U) }} )
{{ }}
{{ is_pkg(link.U) }}{{ link.T }} {{ get_host(link.U) }} - {{ link.N }}
( {{ get_host(link.U) }} ){{ is_pkg(link.U) }}{{ link.T }} {{ get_host(link.U) }}
( {{ get_host(link.U) }} )
R Weekly 2018-19 pkgdown, tweets, showcase
New Packages
GitHub or Bitbucket
advicegiveR: R wrapper for the advice slip API
echarts4r - ECharts version 4 for R, a plethora of chart types customisable with innumerable options.
Package Releases
Make the Right / Positive Things Easier to Do than Wrong / Negative Things
Road Map for Choosing Between Statistical Modeling and Machine Learning
R in Organizations
R in the Real World
Exploring the Meaning of AI, Data Science and Machine Learning with the latest Wikipedia Clickstream
An analysis of the World Marathon Majors in the wake of Boston and London
Finding names in R packages which could be domain names (using rvest and the tidyverse)
Comparing dependencies of popular machine learning packages with pkgnet
New York City Taxi & Limousine Commission Trip Data Analysis Using Sparklyr and Google Bigquery
Installing Missing Packages from Bioconductor, CRAN and Github
How to setup and run R on Kubernetes including Shiny, OpenCPU and scheduled scripts
R Project Updates
Updates from R Core:
on Windows now by default also uses binary transfer (mode = "wb"
) for file extension.rds
and in the case the file extension dot (.
) needsURLdecode()
ing. The help page?download.file
now contains the same information platform independently. -
argument ofRscript
to include space even when it is first on the command line. -
uses the generic from the environment of the calling method. Reported by Hervé Pagès with well documented examples. -
simulate.lm(glm(*, gaussian(link = <non-default>)))
has been corrected, fixing PR#17415 thanks to Alex Courtiol. -
untar(file("<some>.tar.gz"), *)
now gives a better error message, suggesting to usegzfile()
Upcoming Events in 3 Months
Events in 3 Months:
eRum 2018 May 14-16
European R Users Meeting @ Budapest, Hungary -
R/Finance 2018 June 1 and 2
Applied Finance with R. -
CascadiaRConf June 2 Portland, OR, US
7eme Rencontres R July 5 & 6
Rennes - Agrocampus -
useR! 2018 July 10
The annual useR! conference is the main meeting of the international R user and developer community.
More past events at R conferences & meetups.
Call for Participation
- Join the r-spatial ladies! There’s a slack channel open to women and non binary folks interested in R for spatial data and a GitHub page with crowdsourced resources.
Quotes of the Week
There is now officially a Font Awesome #RStats logo 🎉
— Colin Fay (@_ColinFay) May 3, 2018
The latest #ggplot2 has a `clip = "off"` option to allow drawing outside of the plot panel. This allows for all sorts of neat plotting tricks. E.g., direct labeling. ("Toyota Corolla" extends beyond the plot area.) #rstats #dataviz
— Claus Wilke (@ClausWilke) May 2, 2018
Quicker than quick... Copy data in excel and straight into an R dataframe! I won't need this data ever again, so why bother saving and loading a file? #rstats #LearningNewTricks
— Suzan Baert (@SuzanBaert) May 2, 2018