

R Weekly 2017-33 Terminal, SQL


R in the Real World

US Immigration Enforcement

Trump's Android and iPhone tweets, one year later


R Internationally

R in Organizations


New Packages

📦 Go Live for More New Pkgs 📦

  • banR - R Client for the BAN API

  • fitur - Fit Univariate Distributions

  • grateful - Facilitate citation of R packages


Package Releases

RStudio v1.1 Preview: Terminal


Did you say eclipse?

Adding an animation progress bar

R Project Updates

Updates from R Core:

  • CRAN Policy Change new rev3715

  • print() methods for "xgettext" and "xngettext" now use encodeString() which keeps, e.g., "\n", visible. (Wish of PR#17298.)

  • Elapsed-time limits can now be set for the lengthier parts of R CMD INSTALL via an environment variable: see its help page. [This is currently experimental and subject to change.]

  • install.packages() for source packages now has the possibility to set a timeout (elapsed-time limit). For serial installs this uses the timeout argument of system2(): for parallel installs it requires the timeout utility command from GNU coreutils. [This is currently experimental and subject to change.]

  • It is now possible to set timeouts (elapsed-time limits) for most parts of R CMD check via environment variables documented in the R Internals manual. [This depends on the experimental timeout feature of system2() and hence subject to change, as are the names of the environment variables.]

  • R CMD check checks for and R CMD build corrects CRLF line endings in shell scripts configure and cleanup (even on Windows).

  • It is again possible to use configure --enable-maintainer-mode without having installed notangle (it was required in R 3.4.[01]).

Upcoming Events

  • RStudio conf 2018 January 31 to February 3
    rstudio::conf is about all things R and RStudio! Register & More infos

  • R/Finance 2018 June 1 and 2
    Applied Finance with R. More info

  • useR! 2018 July 10, 2018
    The annual useR! conference is the main meeting of the international R user and developer community.

More past events at R conferences & meetups.

Your support will keep R Weekly team moving! 💡

Quotes of the Week